All Products

We are continuously adding products to our NEW online store. If you are looking for something in particular, don't hesitate to contact us at (815) 727-7776 or by submitting an inquiry here.

Product Results

100% Cotton Twine 4's - 36 Ply

Starting at: $11.00

Cotton/Polyester Blend Twine 8's - 3 Ply

Starting at: $0.99

Cotton/Polyester Blend Twine 8's (6 Ply x 2LB Cone)


Cotton/Polyester Blend Twine 8's - 8 Ply

Starting at: $2.99

Cotton/Polyester Blend Twine 8's (12 Ply x 2LB Cone)


Cotton/Polyester Blend Twine 8's - (16 Ply x 2LB Cone)


Cotton/Polyester Blend Twine 8's - (24 Ply x 2LB Cone)


1/8" Solid Braid Unpolished Cotton Sash Cord x 1000'
